Thursday, May 27, 2004

Al Gore or Al Jazeera? by D. Horowitz and B. Johnson. Get it? They both start with Al!

Read Horowitz and Johnson in their full glory

They start their artical on a profoundly misleading and biased note:

At a critical juncture in the War on Terror, with the handover of sovereignty to the Iraqi Governing Council just weeks away, Gore appeared before the, a radical group which had already compared Bush to Hitler.

As those of us who actually check facts will know, that add was considered for vote, but was only broadcast on the RNC website. See, the left is unreasonable! They compare Bush to Hitler! As though they could make such a egregious blanket statement over the millions of Americans who would define themselves as "left". The next statement, if it weren't so disgusting, I'd actually enjoy mentioning:

“To begin with, from its earliest days in power, this administration sought to radically destroy the foreign policy consensus that had guided America since the end of World War II.” In fact, it was Gore himself and Jimmy Carter who broke the consensus when they attacked Bush days after he went to the U.N. to seek what became a unanimous Security resolution on Iraq, thus launching the partisan battle over the war that has consumed the domestic political debate for the last year and a half, and sabotaged the war on terror in the process.

Wait, just one second, lets back up! Are they saying that Bush had a strong argument had it not been fore DAMN Gore and Carter? Are they Kidding? Could they not even consider that perhaps, lets go out on a limb here: Bush's argument had been laughable from the beginning? IRAQ POSED A THREAT THE THE WORLDS ONLY SUPER POWER? Do y'all realize how ridiculous that actually sounds? Maybe they MIGHT have posed a threat within a decade, but face it: Bush Lied, and now his minions are calling the messagers traitors who are no better than terrorists. It's dispicable. And Mr. Horowitz should be ashamed given that he feels he has a right to interfer with professors lessons. TRUTH IS NOT POLITICAL!